Eckermann Drums Mızhar Series

These types of drums can be found in many different parts of the world, and they have different names depending on the region and culture.
These Eckermann Drums are inspired by traditional Sufi frame drums from Syria, for which the name in Arabic is Mızhar. In neighboring Turkey, they re referred to as Bendir, in North Africa Tar, and in the west they are often referred to as Bodhran, however they should not be mistaken for the Irish Bodhran which is a completely different type of frame drum.
There are three general categories for the Eckermann Mizhar:
Standard, Conductor, and Superconductor
Firstly, it is important to point out that all Eckermann shells are made from the highest quality layered beech wood. There is no steam bending treatment on these shells, thus producing extremely strong and durable frames with pure resonance.
All of the models I will demonstrate are tuneable with a precision screw-tension mechanic, which allows for mico-tuning across the membrane to achieve definite intonation.
There are several variations within the different models. The following videos contain examples and descriptions through the series. For more information, please contact: www.eckermanndrums.com
Étude no. 1 for Mızhar
A training and performance étude for frame drum. This a video integrated eBook with over 45 videos demonstrating each line of the composition, and a full performance video from two camera angles. This étude is suitable for both beginners and advanced players, focusing on developing strength, dexterity, and finger articulation on the Mızhar. The composition consists of rudimentary Drum Corps techniques and South Indian phrasing applied to the instrument.