Jarrod Cagwin: Matrices of Time
Rhythmic Theory & Instrumental Workshop
21 - 22 November, 2015
Vienna, Austria
In collaboration with Eckermann Drums.
For inquiries and reservations contact: atelier@eckermanndrums.com

21. November
10:00 - 13:00
14:30 - 16:30
"Time" Analysis, Quantization, and Calculation
Open for all individuals, no experience necessary

These sessions will apply creative calculation and quantization techniques applied in a rhythmic context. The premise of this theory derives from the concepts introduced in Sangeetha Akshara Hridaya, by S. Rajagopala Iyer, as well as my own methods discussed in my books One by One and Matrices of Time. The methods that I will discuss utilize a spoken rhythmic vocabulary from South Indian Carnatic music, known as Solkattu. Solkattu is essentially a rhythmic solfege which by the use of specific syllables and phrase combinations transcend numerics into volcalized rhythm. By exploring this method the individual can acheive a higher level of precision and thematic development with rhythm. This workshop will introduce the concept of "Retro-Counting", a calculation technique of counting conversely (descending) while additively going forwards (ascending) through rhythmic cycles of time.
The diagrams and charts above are samples of how mathematics and rhythm are combined in a logical manner to quantize and calculate phrases and cadences, concepts which will be introduced and expanded on in this course. For larger viewing click on the individual examples.
10:00 - 13:00
22. November
Instrumental Workshops

Advanced Mizhar Technique
This workshop will focus on advanced technique for the Mizhar. Theory and calculation methods from the previous day's workshop will be applied to the drum. Combinations of various techniques will be utilized, including hand and fingering patterns from South India (Kanjira and Mridangam), Persian Tombak, and Rudimental Snare Drum method applied to the frame drum. The following video demonstrates the converse counting method and hand techniques. The analysis is as follows:
Creative Uses of the Duff (Erbani)
Structural Analysis:
1 Place Gap (Karvai)
7 (Kanjira Gap)
3x 9 permutated as 7,9,11
Modulation to Tisra Gati
Mod. to Dbl. Chat. Gati
12 (4,4,4)
Mod. to Tisra Gati
14:30 - 16:30

This course will explore different creative approaches using the Persian frame drum Duff, also known as Daf and Erbani. This drum is tradtionally used in Sufi ceremonies in Iran, as well it can be found in local folk music throughout Persian and Kurdish regions in southern Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. The drum is fitted with small metal rings on the inside of the frame which create many sonic varations depending on the balance between the hands and the playing position. The following video demonstates some of the creative possibilities of this instrument.

This workshop will take place 21 - 22 November 2015 at:
Das Dorf
Obere Viaduktgasse 2/1
1030 Wien
Ecke Obere Weißgerberstraße 21
Straßenbahn 1 oder O bis Radetzkyplatz,
3 Min. zu Fuß entlang der Schnellbahn Ri Donaukanal
Prices are seperated into two categories.
Category 1: Time Analysis, Quantization, and Calculation workshop only. (Day 1)
PRICE: 140 Euro
This workshop is open for all interested. There is no rhythmic or drumming ability necessary. No drumming instruction on this day.
Category 2: Full Two-Day Workshop
PRICE: 240 Euro
Individuals wishing for method instruction with the instrument are required to attend Time Analysis, Quantization and Calculation workshop on Day1.